Evaluation of Application Angle in Transsphenoidal Surgery According to Age and Gender
HACI KELEŞ, Fatih ÇİÇEK, Ali Türker Çiftçi, Faruk Gazi Ceranoğlu, Beyza Nur Şahin, Hüseyin Yakar
- Yıl : 2024
- Cilt : 4
- Sayı : 3
- Sayfa : 108-112
Purpose: The transsphenoidal approach is one of the most commonly used methods in the surgical treatment of pituitary tumors. Although this method allows for faster postoperative recovery, it carries the risk of intraoperative complications due to the close vascular and nerve neighborhood. The aim of this study was to investigate the angle range of the Sella Turcica (ST) in the transsphenoidal approach and how this varies according to age and gender.
Methods: CT images of 47 males and 53 females with an age range of 18-75 years who presented to the neurosurgery outpatient clinic and underwent head tomography were included. On the radiologic images included in the study, the angles formed between the horizontal line connecting the anterior and posterior spina nasalis and the anterior and posterior borders of the fossa hypophysialis were measured in accordance with the transsphenoidal surgical procedure. dbc angle was calculated from the difference of these two angles. Micro Dicom Viewers software program was used for the measurements.
Results: It was observed that dbc angle was higher in men than in women. It was also found that dbc angle decreased with increasing age, that is, there was a negative correlation between age and dbc angle. However, these parameters were not statistically significant (p=0.105, p=0.337, respectively).
Conclusions: This is the first study to demonstrate the values of the entry angle that can be used in transsphenoidal surgical approach, which is widely used in pituitary gland surgery, and the relationship between this angle and both gender and age. It is thought that surgeons who want to reach the pituitary gland through nose will reach the exact position of the pituitary gland and cause fewer complications when they advance it within the safe angle range we recommend during surgery.
Yazışma Adresi :
Eposta :
[email protected]
Atıf yapmak için :
Keleş H, Çiçek F, Çiftçi AT, Ceranoğlu FG, Şahin BN, Yakar H. Transsfenoidal Cerrahi Girişiminde Uygulama Açısının Yaş ve Cinsiyete Göre Değerlendirilmesi. Mev Med Sci. 2024; 4(3): 108-112
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Evaluation of Application Angle in Transsphenoidal Surgery According to Age and Gender, strArastirmaMakalesi,
Geliş Tarihi :02.08.2024,
Kabul Tarihi : 18.11.2024,
Yayın Tarihi : 10.12.2024
Mevlana Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi
ISSN: 2757-976X ;
E-ISSN: 2757-976X ;