Purpose: Cadence is a value that can vary from person to person and is usually calculated as the number of steps per minute. Baropedometer, on the other hand, provides detailed analysis of foot dynamics by measuring the pressure distribution under the foot. In addition to cadence, it is also used in the evaluation and measurement of foot diseases in clinics and studies.
Methods: In our study, using 2014 model Diasu by Sani Corporate's baropedometer device; Separate cadence values (step/min) were calculated for the right and left feet. Demographic data such as age, weight and height of 101 individuals included in this study were recorded. The averages of the walks were taken into consideration from these recorded data. The obtained data were evaluated with Independent Samples Test in SPSS 25.0 package program.
Results: Male right and left cadence values were 58,07±23,77 steps/min, 58,18±24,67 steps/min, respectively. while in female individuals, these values were 55,87±22,89 steps/min on the right; on the left 56,75±21,52 steps/ min. As a result of the statistical analysis, no significant difference was found between cadence and measurement data (p>0.05).
Conclusion: When the literature is examined, cadence examines the changes in disease and aging along with other gait parameters. The insignificance of cadence change in healthy individuals due to demographic information made us think that cadence can only change in healthy individuals when they are diagnosed with the disease. Considering the studies stating that the change in cadence depends on walking speed and stride distance, it was thought that these parameters of gait should also be evaluated in future studies. There are studies in the literature reporting that cadence increases with age. However, no study has been found in the literature that directly correlates sole pressure with cadence. We think that our study will be a guide for other studies that reveal the factors affecting cadence.
Key words: Baropedometer, Cadence, Walk